I have so many opinions on this! I have trialled lots of remotenwork options recently. But one thing I found really useful was to use an app which stopped me picking up my phone. There are a few where you can 'grow trees' during the time when you don't use your phone (and they are translated into actual planted trees by the organisation) which I quite liked, and I found one which counted how many times I picked up my phone during the day (which was HORRIFYING). But the one which really cracked it for me was the DreamLab app which uses your phone as part of a network of computers to run calculations for Cancer Research programmes. You are encouraged to leave it on for as long as possible (ideally overnight) so as not to interrupt things and it generally needs to be charging. There are no incentives (such as planted trees) but it requires lengthy sessions to really do some good and I found that was the push I needed not to check my email for the 32nd time in an hour.

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